Join our virtual Corporate Executive Roundtable. A weekly, safe, online space for Executive women to connect peer-to-peer through casual conversation guided by Ellevate CEO, Kristy Wallace.

Full Agenda

Our weekly Roundtables are designed for participant interaction. It’s a place you can be yourself and be comfortable sharing and showing up for others.
Come ready to:
  • Have your video on. Visible communication is important.
  • Try to be somewhere quiet and fosters good focus.
  • Share whats going on in your world, and/or something relevant to the topic or your peers:
    • a problem/challenge you’re facing, or;
    • an idea or solution for someone else, or;
    • a practice, or funny anecdote that might help others.
  • Share resources that helped you(a great book or leadership strategy)
  • Continue Member connections and conversations even after the call.