Join Nicole Lapin at DVF Studio for an intimate talk on burnout and balance, redefining what it means to "have it all" and to be in charge.
Is working like crazy driving you crazy? Do you feel daily pressure to keep pushing yourself, even when you're stressed and exhausted? It's time to stop putting yourself at the bottom of every to-do-list and start taking care of yourself first.
Join Nicole Lapin at DVF Studio for an insightful conversation around Banishing Burnout and Becoming a Super Woman with some of NY's top female powerhouses:
Sandra Campos, DVF, CEO
Cate Luzio, Founder and CEO, Luminary
Amy Shecter, Glamsquad, CEO
6:00PM Doors Open
6:30 - 7:15PM Conversation
7:15PM - 8PM Cocktails, mingling, and shopping
Copies of Nicole Lapin's new book Becoming Super Woman will be available for purchase.